Open Bible Baptist Church strongly believes in obeying Jesus' command to take the message of salvation to everyone. We believe it is the responsibility of every Christian to go out and tell others how to be saved. We make various types of visits such as door-to-door witnessing, tract ministry, van ministry and reaching out to recent visitors in our services.  It is our goal to saturate our area with the Gospel of Christ. 


"Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in....." - Luke 14:23

The Open Bible Baptist Church Van Ministry's purpose is to reach others with the Gospel by providing transportation for boys and girls (parents and adults too) so that they may attend church where they can learn about the things of God through Children's Bible Study and Worship. Open Bible provides FREE van transportation to anyone who has no way to get to church.  We will be happy to provide a ride for children and adults alike!


The van arrives in time for Sunday School and church and the children are dropped off back at their home. If you are in need of a ride, please call the church at 434-432-0483. Our Van Ministry is a valuable outreach tool of our church, designed to reach the whole family! Through Worship, Sunday School, and other events, children and adults learn how they can have a personal relationship with Jesus, then grow spiritually by life changing Bible Study and Christian fellowship with other believers!

Here's how the Open Bible Baptist Chruch Van Ministry works:

1. Our courteous bus captain will pick you and/or your child up at your door. 

2. When we arrive at the church, we take your child from the van to his or her class. 

3. In the classroom teachers teach your child about Jesus Christ and applies the Bible to their lives!

4. When class is over, your child will be taken back to the van for the ride home. 

5. Finally, when the van arrives at your home, your child is safely delivered to your door.